Monday, March 9, 2009

Black Arachnia - The Broodmother Guide

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Her stats are completely average, which means she doesn't excel in anything. On the upside she also isn’t crappy in any of her stats. This has its ups and down (all thing's do).

On a much lighter note, her starting speed and her attack range for a melee is absolutely great, 315 Starting speed is no laughing matter. This means that once you get your BoT no hero will be able to outrun you, not even razor with his crazy movement speed.

Black Arachnia

Black Arachnia - The Broodmother

Range: 128 | Move Speed: 313
Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 2.5 | Agi: 18 + 2.2 | Int: 18 + 2
Damage: 44 – 50 | HP: 473 | Mana: 234
HP Regen: 0.76 | Mana Regen: 0.73
Attack Speed: 1.39 | Armor: 4
Spawn Spiderlings Spawn Spiderlings (W)
The Broodmother injects her young into a target, creating immense pain. If the target is killed by the injection, spiderlings will be born.
Level 1 - 75 damage, 1 spiderling.
Level 2 - 150 damage, 2 spiderlings.
Level 3 - 225 damage, 3 spiderlings.
Level 4 - 300 damage, 4 spiderlings.
Spiderlings have 350 HP, 18 - 19 Normal damage, 0 Heavy Armor, last 60 seconds.
Spiderling skills:
Poison sting - Deals 4 damage per second for 2 seconds and slows movement speed by 15% Spa[w]n Spiderite (autocast) - Plants a spiderite egg in enemies that lasts around 1 second. If the unit dies while infested, a spiderite is born.
Spiderites have 175 HP, 9 - 10 Normal damage, 0 Heavy Armor, lasts 60 seconds.
Mana Cost: 75/ 90/ 105/ 120
Cooldown: 10
Comment: This is your nuke and your pushing/farming skill at the same time. If its not maxed by lvl7, you're an idiot if you intend to follow the bulk of this guide. Why? Because you won't be able to farm or push. Further explanation in the main guide.
Spin Web Spin Web (B)
Spins a web which grants the Broodmother invisibility in an area, regeneration, truesight, as well as a passive speed increase. Regeneration improves per level.
Level 1 - 2 allowed webs.
Level 2 - 4 allowed webs.
Level 3 - 6 allowed webs.
Level 4 - 8 allowed webs.
Mana Cost: 50
Cooldown: 90/70/50/30
Comment: Another heavily imba skill. You get invisibility, movespeed, and regeneration as long as you don't move more than 200 or so. Don't max this until later, only level it when you need additional webs. One level - two webs - should be sufficient until lvl8 or so. Mainly used for early game lane control, secondarily for spotting Runes and creeping heroes. Further explanation in the main guide.
Incapacitating Bite Incapacitating Bite (P)
Gives the Broodmother venoms which will greatly reduce the target's ability to function, and deals extra damage.
Level 1 - Gives a 10% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 10%, and adds 2 damage.
Level 2 - Gives a 15% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 20%, and adds 4 damage.
Level 3 - Gives a 20% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 30%, and adds 6 damage.
Level 4 - Gives a 25% chance to miss, slows movement speed by 40%, and adds 8 damage.
Orb effect.
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Comment: Broodmother's passive skill. Great anti-DPS - slows them AND makes them miss attacks. The sole downside is that this is an orb-effect, but thats what Vlads is for. Combined with the additional movespeed from your Web and your hefty base movespeed, this is enough to mow down enemies with only one level of this, assuming they don't have Boots because they're smart - once they get Boots, it becomes more difficult but still doable. Obviously more is better, so max it when you're done with Spiderlings and in between Webs. Further explanation in the main guide.
Insatiable Hunger Insatiable Hunger (T)
The Broodmother develops a violent thirst for vital fluids. This lust greatly increases her attack damage and gives her a vampiric attack. Lasts 12 seconds.
Level 1 - 60 bonus damage, 40% life steal.
Level 2 - 80 bonus damage, 55% life steal.
Level 3 - 100 bonus damage, 70% life steal.
Mana Cost: 100
Cooldown: 60 / 45 / 30
Comment: The primary source of Spider's unbalancedness - the I-Win Button. Thats exactly how it works: you press this and kill everyone in sight. Powerful skill at all stages of the game. Further explanation in the main guide.


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